Wendy Williams Addresses Blowback from Throwing Shade at The Clark Sisters, Invites Group to be on Show



After Wendy Williams was lit up for throwing shade at The Clark Sisters‘ accomplishments, it seems the talk show host has been pushed to walk back her words.

“Apparently you all are mad with me or some of you about some comments or the intent that I had when I was doing Hot Topics the other day and I mentioned The Clark Sisters,” Williams began in a Thursday, April 19 Instagram video. “And I didn’t mean anything bad about The Clark Sisters. … I met them all. I like The Clark Sisters.”

After beginning to sing some of the iconic gospel group’s song, “You Brought The Sunshine” from their influential album of the same name, Williams extended an invitation to Jacky, Twinkie, Denise, Dorinda and Karen.

“Pack up some pretty dresses and come to New York,” Williams says before making a song request. “We’ll make all of the arrangements.”

Williams addressed criticism that erupted earlier this week when she shadily said, “If I were The Clark Sisters, would I be mad that Snoop got no. 1? … Have they gotten a no. 1? Oh, well. Step up your game.”

Many from the gospel community blasted Williams including singers Kirk Franklin and Kierra Sheard, daughter of Karen.

“These women have done more than number 1 on the charts,” Sheard said on Instagram. “Their lives have matched what they sing about. Somehow they’ve managed to sing about #Jesus in one of the smallest, but most effective genres of music, have influenced masses and influenced those who influence the masses.”

In response to Williams’ walked back remarks, many fans blew up her IG comments.

“This is a God awful apology,” someone wrote. “If someone wrote this script for you they should have done better. You meant it exactly how you said it with shade. You just wasn’t expecting this type of reaction. Stay out the gospel lane and stick to what you know…”

“I don’t understand what she said that was offensive but ok…” someone else remarked.

“They do not need the Wendy Williams show or that fake ass apology,” a commenter wrote. “U said what u said PERIODDDDDD.”

“People just blow everything out of proportion these days😕 SMDH.. I mean, what would Jesus do😮,” another person said.

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