Eddie Murphy Shares a Birthday Celebration With His Daughter


Eddie Murphy and his daughter Angel have the same birthday and decided to celebrate together this year following allegations of a strained relationship.

Spice Girl Mel B gave birth to Angel on Eddie’s born day back in 2007, months after their bitter break-up. Several months ago rumors began to swirl after Mel B’s ex Stephen Belafonte asked for visitation rights. Belafonte accused the comedian of not wanting to be a part of Angel’s life. According to TMZ Belfonte went as far as saying he is Angel’s true father despite Murphy being the biological father. He has an”A” tattooed on his wrist to signify his love for his “daughter.”

Mel B denied the rumors and said Belafonte was the reason behind Murphy’s and Angel’s strained relationship. Since the divorce from Belafonte, Mel B says that their father and daughter relationship is “flourishing.”

Murphy’s sister posted the cute video of Angel blowing out her candles and her father singing the “happy birthday” song.


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