O.J. Simpson Was with Colin Kaepernick’s Protest And Then Changed His Mind, Here’s Why

oj simpson colin kaepernick

O.J. Simpon sided with President Trump over Colin Kaepernick when it comes to protesting the national anthem. (Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images)/Julie Jacobson-Pool/Getty Images/)

O.J. Simpson doesn’t think Colin Kaepernick made the best decision when he decided to kneel during the national anthem two NFL seasons ago. While the formerly incarcerated football star initially gave the ex-San Francisco 49er credit for standing up for his beliefs, he admitted he felt Kaep made a “mistake.”

“I think Colin made a mistake,” Simpson told Buffalo News Friday, March 16. “I really appreciate what he was trying to say. I thought he made a bad choice in attacking the flag.

“I grew up at a time when deacons were in the KKK,” adds Simpson, who generally sides with President Donald Trump on his stance on NFL players protesting. “I don’t disrespect the Bible because of those guys. The flag shouldn’t be disrespected because of what cops do. The flag represents what we want America to be.”

Trump has voiced similar support for the flag and last year he called for players who exercise their first amendment right on the field to be fired.

Ahead of Trump’s statement, Kaepernick left the 49ers and became a free agent. He hasn’t been signed by an NFL team ever since.

Still, other athletes have protested the anthem too and his movement has spread beyond football and into leagues like the NHL.

“When he did it the first time I thought, ‘Well, you took a gamble, and I give you credit,'” Simpson said, reflecting on Kaepernick. “But it was him continuing to do it where he made the biggest mistake.

“I’m a firm believer of doing what you think is right, but I would always stand for the flag.”

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