Tennessee Removes Lynching Mural After Complaints of Racism

This mural has been removed from the South Cumberland Elementary School in Tennessee. From CNN

South Cumberland Elementary School in Tennessee removed a mural located in the gymnasium that was considered racially offensive. The painting showed a white man dressed in blue, hanging from a rope tied to a tree branch, while another person stood close by, in a red jersey holding a Confederate flag. The image was intended to show school spirit.

It’s unknown how long the mural had been there before the first complaint came in from a school janitor, David Clark.


Clark attempted to contact the superintendent and school board about the issue for months with no response so he took to social media for support. “These murals are in South Cumberland Elementary in Crossville. They are both in one public school elementary gym where all the children go to play every day.” He continued, “No action has been planned or taken as of today so I am asking people to call and let them know in a respectful manner, how you feel about these racist symbols being on full public display where children can see them. Germany does not display Nazi symbols. This is not heritage, it is racism,” he wrote.

Less than a day later, Clark’s post went viral receiving 500 comments and 200 shares on Facebook. Later on that day, the Confederate flag along with the lynching image was painted over in the gymnasium. “Concerns regarding graphics in our gymnasium have been dealt with by removing the rebel flags painted on the wall, and by modifying the mural on the wall as well,” said principal Darrell Threet.

But Clark’s comments of support quickly turned into comments of hate.

“Stars & Bars baby” wear my Southern Cross proud. The true meaning of the flag! BATTLE FLAG! No racism about this. You kind of people have made it racist, by these acts of hatred. God bless!”

Not racist. Use to b Mississippi st flag. It’s my heritage. Ignorant ass people. Not about hate.”

“Omg my kids went there 9 years and i never even paid that picture no mind how folks just look for things to talk about and create drama”



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