Radio Host Explains Why She Was Rude During Mo’Nique Interview

A couple of days after her rocky interview with Mo’Nique, Bay Area radio host Sana G explained why things went left. On “The Sana G Morning Show” Saturday, Feb. 17, Sana explained she had been late for a flight when Mo’Nique, who is boycotting Netflix over too little pay, accused her of not greeting the comic and her friend upon their arrival.

“I didn’t even really wanna do the interview to keep it 1000, but my producer… wanted me to stay and do it because the Netflix thing was a huge thing for her,” she says. “So when I sat down and didn’t know her comedian homey’s name [Gerald Kelly] … I guess she took offense to me not knowing his name … she was like, ‘How did you wake up that you don’t know who Gerald Kelly is and I was like, ‘My bad, I didn’t know his name.’ And she started cleaning her glasses and I was already not wanting to be here, already late and that struck a chord with me. And I was like, ‘Oh my God. … Are you ready?’ And she got mad because I rushed her.”

Sana explained the two had “pissed each other off” and when the interview began, Mo’Nique “didn’t even want to look at me.”

The radio host said she has “nothing but love and respect” for Mo’Nique regardless of how the comic went in on her for not using her name when they greeted each other. Mo’Nique also went on about how women need to respect one another in the industry.

“She was trying to tear me down,” Sana explains. “And she’s an elder. So instead of being like, ‘Hold on, b—-, you’re in my studio, interview over’ and clicking it off, I let her speak her words.

The host claimed Mo’Nique stormed out of the studio after thanking her for the interview but without saying goodbye.

“She’s frustrated, and I get it and she doesn’t want to be talked to crazy because she’s already at that point where people are judging her and saying, ‘Nobody cares about you, take the money,’ … but again, it’s her check,” Sana says.


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