Is Rapper Common Prepared for a Nuclear Attack? ‘I Got Some Really Good Water!’


If North Korea were to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S., rapper Common would have a lot of preparing to do!

“I know one thing,” he says to TMZ Sunday, Sept. 3, when asked about his preparations after North Korea claimed they tested a missile. “Imma find my friends [who are] super rich and go to their bunker. … I got some water. I got some really good water, but I gotta have more than that, though.”

All jokes aside, Common knows the threat from North Korea is real, as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told the Associated Press Sunday that America will issue as “massive military response” to any threat from the Socialist state.

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“We see we’re dealing with people who ain’t thinking about humanity in that way. It’s ego stuff going on when it comes to this leadership,” Common says. “So, it’s real. We gotta figure out everything we can do, man.”

He added that a war isn’t necessary at the moment, as it’s not something that anybody wants.

“[We’re] trying to get the world better,” he says.

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