W.E.B DuBois’ 12 Stunning Hand-Drawn Graphics Tell a Different Story of Blacks In America

Pan-Africanist and author W.E.B. DuBois had an interest in graphic design, according to The Public Domain Review. Two years after becoming a professor of history, sociology and economics at Atlanta University in 1897, he published his first major academic work, “The Philadelphia Negro,” which comprehensively reviewed Black residents of Philadelphia. In 1900, he traveled to Europe to the First Pan-African Conference in London and the Paris Exposition to present a transformative exhibition on the status of Black life called, “The Exhibit of American Negroes,” which Du Bois said strived to present “(a) The history of the American Negro. (b) His present condition. (c) His education. (d) His literature.”

Proportion of Freemen and Slaves Among American Negroes

Slaves and Free Negroes
Proportion of Negroes In the Total Population of the United States

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