This Black Man Caught Cop Threatening to Bring Fake Charges Against Him

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a deputy caught on video threatening to bring false charges on a Black man who wanted to file an incident report.

The 34-year-old victim, Duncan Hicks, went to a Victorville, Calif., police station Jan. 20 to file an incident report on his baby’s mother. Hicks told ABC 7 News in a Wednesday, Feb. 1, interview that the deputy was rude and did not want to file the report properly.

Initially, Hicks went into the station without recording the encounter with the deputy but after not receiving help, he decided to go back with his camera rolling. The unidentified deputy allegedly dismissed Hicks and told him that his report about a custody dispute was just “baby mama drama.”

In Hicks’ video, the receptionist working at the front desk summoned the deputy after Hicks demanded to speak to him to clear up discrepancies on the incident report. When the deputy came forward, he immediately told Hicks that he was irritated and threatened to arrest him.

“You know what, man? I’m getting tired of you and you’re about to go to jail, just so you know,” the deputy says in the footage.

Hicks asked the deputy what he was being arrested for while still attempting to get assistance.

“I’ll create something, you understand?” The deputy responds threateningly. “You’ll go to jail, you understand that? Recording me like that … that’s illegal without my knowledge. You want to go to jail for that, too?”

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department has launched an investigation, but the officer will remain on the job until after action is taken, reported ABC 7 and CBS 2.

“We are conducting an administrative investigation into this incident,” Sheriff John McMahon said in a statement.

The department has reached out to Hicks and apologized for the deputy’s actions. Department officials claim the deputy was having a bad day and they also told media that there was no policy prohibiting anyone from recording employees.

“He apologized,” Hicks told The Huffington Post. “But, then he told me the officer probably just had a bad day. While I appreciate the apology, that’s just an excuse. I’d like the officer to be terminated.”

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