Former Nuggets Coach George Karl Falls Back On Racist Stereotypes To Explain His Issues With NBA Stars

George Karl (Keith Allison/Flickr)

Using  tired, old racist stereotypes, former Denver Nuggets coach George Karl has lashed out at some of his old players in his new book.

In excerpts from his book “Furious George published in The New York Post, the 65-year-old blamed a lack of fatherly discipline and “posse,” among other things, for the problems he had with Carmelo Anthony, Kenyon Martin and J.R. Smith over the years.

Karl attempted to explain why retired baller Martin and current New York Knicks forward Anthony had such difficult personalities in excerpts the New York Post obtained from his book “Furious George.” His conclusion? Absentee fathers.

“Kenyon [now retired] and Carmelo [now with the N.Y. Knicks] carried two big burdens — all that money and no father to show them how to act like a man,” Karl said in the book, which is due out in January.

Karl used the racially coded term “posse” to describe the friends of Smith, now a Cleveland Cavaliers shooting guard. The 86ed Sacramento Kings coach said Smith had “a huge sense of entitlement, a distracting posse, his eye always on the next contract and some really unbelievable shot selection.”

Phil Jackson used the same word to describe LeBron James‘ business associates in November, drawing criticism from the Cavs’ star and others.

But Karl’s biggest criticism was reserved for Anthony, whom Karl said was “a true conundrum” during his six-year tenure with the Nuggets.

“He was the best offensive player I ever coached,” Karl wrote. “He was also a user of people, addicted to the spotlight and very unhappy when he had to share it.

“Since Carmelo only played hard on one side of the ball, he made it plain he couldn’t lead the Nuggets, even though he said he wanted to,” Karl continued. “Coaching him meant working around his defense and compensating for his attitude.”

Anthony gave a terse response to his former coach’s statements before the Knicks beat the Orlando Magic Thursday, Dec. 22. He simply told USA Today, “no way.” But Smith and Martin let their irritation show on Twitter.

Martin went full Trump online, issuing a series of angry tweets.

Meanwhile, Smith had a more straightforward response.

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