Snoop Dogg’s Daughter Reveals What Caused Her to Love Her Chocolate Skin After Years of Bullying


After going viral for speaking out about her struggles with her skin color, rapper Snoop Dogg’s daughter Cori Broadus appeared on “The T.D. Jakes Show” to discuss how she learned to love herself.

During the Tuesday, Nov. 29, broadcast, Broadus revealed that her isolation in a majority white and Asian school prompted her to speak out about colorism on Instagram.

As previously reported by Atlanta Black Star, the young singer told her followers that she has come to love her skin and her beauty in a Nov. 12 Instagram post. In that initial post, she wrote:

“[I] grew up despising the skin tone I was in because it’s been bashed on for so long and society has been putting in our heads that dark is ugly. For all you beautiful chocolate girls/women out there, you’re BEAUTIFUL & don’t let anyone tell you different.”

In the clip, Broadus told the audience that she was bullied constantly on social media prior to learning to love herself.

“I made a Twitter and an Instagram and I got bullied the whole entire time,” she recalls. “[Kids] would say that you’re so ugly, you’re fat. It just brought my self-esteem so low.”

However, the love and support her family is what made her feel more comfortable in her skin, she said. Loved ones would tell her that she was beautiful and that her skin was gorgeous, but Broadus was hesitant to believe it at first.

“I thought they were just telling me that to make me feel good,” she says. ” And then next thing you know, I started posting more.”

As she posted more on social media, her comments section became filled with positive sentiments. Commentators would say “You’re beautiful,” “Chocolate is where it’s at” and other affirming statements that quickly boosted her self-esteem.


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