Isaiah Washington Pushes for Monthly Boycotts: ‘The Impact is Real’

On the Oct. 19 edition of CNN’s “Connect the World,” actor and activist of The #Missing24 Campaign Isaiah Washington believes that frequent boycotts is the only concrete way to end police brutality.

After the fatal police-involved shootings of Tulsa’s Terence Crutcher and Charlotte’s Keith Scott, Washington took to Facebook in September to advocate for a national one day boycott. “… Pick ONE DAY to simply ‘stay at home’ from every single job, work site, sports arena and government office in the United States of America,” he suggested.

In the clip, Washington piggybacks on his previous statements from last month. He adds that he wants to create something more than just a movement for Black liberation. “Obviously protesting and rioting has been very beneficial … It has not help the people itself. It has caused a lot of injuries on both sides … You’re being arrested and you have to post bail into the same system you feel is disrespecting you.”

Washington tells the host that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement but he does not believe in movements. To him, a movement can be started and stopped immediately. So with the #Missing24 campaign, Washington wants to continue the work of the founders by having boycotts on the 24th of every month. It initially have taken place on the local level but he wants a worldwide boycott.

“The impact is real. The impact is necessary.”


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