Azealia Banks Reportedly Called the N-Word, Choked by Russell Crowe at Party

Azealia Banks took to Facebook to detail a harrowing experience she had at the Beverly Hills, California hotel room of actor Russell Crowe.

In the now-deleted messages captured online, the rapper said she arrived at Crowe’s suite Saturday night. During an altercation, he allegedly called her the n-word “choked me, threw me out and spat on me.”

“Last night was one of the hardest nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time,” she continued. “The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”


In another post, Banks said she no longer wanted to live.


But according to TMZ, witnesses claim Banks threatened the host. Crowe invited 10 people to the gathering, including rapper RZA. He took Banks as his plus one. Problems began when Banks made fun of the music Crowe had on hand. Then, she called him and a group of others “boring white men.”

A woman in attendance defended Crowe, but Banks reportedly responded with the following.

“You would love it if I broke my glass, stabbed you guys in the throat, and blood would squirt everywhere like some real Tarantino s—.”

Crowe reportedly remained calm until Banks threatened to toss her glass across the room. Then, the actor allegedly grabbed Banks and physically removed the rapper from the suite before calling security. The incident is currently under investigation and four witnesses gave statements to police.

Regardless, one post remained on Banks’ Facebook page, promising more proof of her side of the story.

And it seems Banks has tons of support online. Fans used the hashtag #JusticeForAzealia to back the MC.

Eva Sativa wondered where the white feminist support for Banks was after many rallied behind singer Kesha during her sexual abuse suit with a music producer.

Kaeptain America questioned the lack of coverage over Banks’ alleged assault.

Fitness Witch gave his support for the rapper.

“The mistreatment of Black women cannot be ignored,” he wrote.

Black history heaux wrote anyone who laughed at Banks’ situation based on her past actions is “consenting misogynoir.”

Meanwhile, @sadhoeflo shared Russell Crowe’s deleted tweet he posted after the alleged incident. The actor tweeted a link to Banks’ video for “The Big Beat.”

Update: Sources told TMZ Banks took her case to Beverly Hills police and command that Crowe apologize to her. His representatives state he will not say he is sorry “because he insists he did nothing wrong.”

Additionally, Banks’ manager tweeted the following statement regarding her feelings on the incident.

Update 10/18:

On Oct. 18, TMZ reported the row between Banks and Crowe moved into the hallway where hotel security footage captured what occurred. Each party believes the tape will go in favor of their opposing views.

Banks said the video should show the actor choking and spitting on her while Crow thinks it will reveal the rapper’s dishonesty.

Beverly Hills Police are investigating the incident and pouring over the footage since Banks filed a report for battery Oct. 17. They are still attempting to reach both entertainers for interviews.

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