Oklahoma Officers Who Pepper Sprayed 84-Year-Old Woman Caught Trying to Spin Their Story 

After pepper spraying an 84-year-old woman, Muskogee, Oklahoma police officers were caught on camera trying to spin the details of the event.

Muskogee Police kicked in 84-year-old Geneva Smith’s door in an Aug. 7 pursuit of her son, reported Atlanta Black Star.

Officers followed Smith’s son to her home after he ran a stop sign. Subsequently, officers stormed her home, tased her son and pepper sprayed her in the face.

According to Fox 23 reports, officers involved in the incident tried to skew the details in their favor.

Cam footage shows officers behind a police vehicle trying to figure out how to report the event.

Allegedly, one of the officers says: “But I think we can spin it.”

Now, the Muskogee Police Department has launched an internal investigation of the incident.

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