Black Actor Confronts Racist Motorist Shouting: ‘The N—-rs Are Coming!’

On Aug. 31, a white Edmonton, Alberta motorist shouted racial slurs at a Black actor during a commercial shoot.

According to The Edmonton Journal, actor Jesse Lipscombe was shooting a commercial about his love for the city when a motorist started yelling.

In the clip below, the whole incident unfolds.

“The n—rs are coming, the n—-rs are coming!” yells the white motorist.

Immediately, Lipscombe walks over to the car to confront the passenger of the sedan.

Then, he opened the door of the car and told the man to “say it to my face.”

“I will not let somebody speak a racial slur or make me, or another person, uncomfortable without also [giving them] the opportunity to feel uncomfortable as well,” Lipscombe tells the reporter.

The actor says that the racial incidents are common place.

However, “Staying quiet in scenarios like this does just as much to harm. It does nothing to help it,” he says.

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