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Watch: Fox Contributor Says Al Sharpton “Clearly Is a Racist,” but Not Donald Trump

Radio talk show host David Webb appeared on “Fox & Friends” Friday morning to describe the response he got from protesters after he asked why they hate Donald Trump. When asked if he thought Trump was a racist, he responded no.

“I mean, that’s clear by — well, let’s — what do you have to be to be a racist?,” Webb said. “You have to be Al Sharpton, you have to be someone who clearly is a racist.”

He went on to assert that Trump’s “bombastic” and “larger that life” personality doesn’t make him a bigot.

Webb also has no issue with the idea of banning Muslims from entering the country because “border control isn’t racist.”

“You know, saying something about Muslims, they’re not an ethnicity, they’re a religious group, a religion,” he concluded. “That can’t be racist unless you’re specific about it.”

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