Twitter Struggles with Employing Black Women

GTY_twitter_kab_141119_16x9_992According to a report by The Verge, the tech industry has an issue with hiring Black women. In fact, the report reveals that major tech giants including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Intel all employ less than five percent of Black women.

Apple has three percent Black women working in their company. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Intel all have one percent respectively. In the case of Twitter, the social media company was at the bottom with zero percent. The zero percent really means that only 14 Black women work in the company made up of 3,000 people.

Twitter, like other tech companies, realizes that they have a diversity problem. Back in August, Twitter addressed the issue via their vice president of diversity and inclusion, Janet Van Huysse.

“We considered simply setting company-wide hiring goals, but we don’t want to stop at that. If our aim is to build a company we can really be proud of — one that’s more inclusive and diverse — we need to make sure it’s a great place for both new and current employees to work and to grow,” Van Huysse stated in a blog post.

Twitter has made proposals to increase the number of women and minorities but it has yet to specifically address hiring Black women.

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