White Privilege: 10 Times White People Engaged The Police With Guns or Violence and Lived To Talk About It

oath keepers

Oathkeepers in Ferguson, Missouri

As Black Lives Matter protesters and activists clashed and yet another state of emergency was declared, members of a radical anti-government group called “Oathkeepers” descended into Ferguson, dressed in body armor and openly carrying assault rifles. The heavily armed white men were left unmolested by the police as they roamed freely about the streets. This is in stark contrast to the peaceful Black protesters who had been met with military-grade equipment and pepper spray, and over 120 arrests.


AP_waco_texas_shooting_1_jt_150517_16x9_992Waco Shooting

On May 17, two rival motorcycle gangs — the Cossacks and the Bandidos — were having a meeting at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas. The two groups got into a fight, and a shootout occurred. Nine people were killed; 17 were injured, and 177 people were arrested with $1 million bonds set. The Waco police allowed the gang members to sit on the ground without handcuffs, and some were even allowed to use their phones.

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