The following comments were all taken directly from the website, Thee Rant. In order to join the site and post comments, according to its administrator, users must provide a picture of an ID card from the NYPD (or Fire Department or military).
Kill the Gangsters
A comment posted by user Broom on April 22, 2015:
You don’t spend millions on investigation, prosecution & jailing of sub-human, ape-like retardates such as this bunch!
Going inside means nothing to them; they thrive on the inside and run the jail!
You want to get rid of gangs; you kill gangsters! It won’t be done and that’s why you will always lose!
A bullet in the base of the skull, or a long rope and a high tree!
Yes, it will worsen! Be prepared or become victims like these poor people
She Teaches at the Zoo
Comment posted by Nuthinbutdatruth on April 1, 2015, referring to a news story with the headline “Teacher allegedly ‘knocked out cold’ by a student’s mother”:
Next beat down will be for giving the savage a low grade….
Feel bad for the teacher….not really. She could teach anywhere and she opts to teach at the zoo.
Go teach in Scarsdale