Bobby Brown and Family Confirm Bobbi Kristina is ‘Awake’ and Off Life Support

Bobby Kristina out of coma Bobby Brown shocked concertgoers with wonderful news at the Verizon Theatre on Saturday as he revealed his 22-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina was “awake” and “no longer on life support.”

It’s the announcement that Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown fans from all across the country were eagerly hoping for. Three months after Houston’s only daughter was found unresponsive in the bathtub in her Roswell home, her father and aunt publicly announced that Bobbi had been taken off of her life support machine.

Brown was the first to share the good news as he took to the stage at a Frankie Beverly concert in Dallas on April 18.

There is never a shortage of cheering and applause when the energetic crooner opens his mouth to belt out his catchy hits on stage, but with a few simple words he earned what was arguably the greatest round of applause of the night.

“I can say today Bobbi is awake,” he told the crowd. “She’s watching me.”

Fans were delighted by the message but it wasn’t clear if Brown’s message was a metaphorical one rather than a literal one.

His sister, Tina Brown, confirmed what fans had hoped for on Facebook.

“So many messages, sorry can’t answer them all right now but I will get to them later,” she wrote in a post on Facebook. “Just allow me this time with my family,, yes, she woke up and is no longer on life support!!!!!:):)God is good! Thanks for your prayers,, still a process, but she is going to be okay.”

She finished the post with another round of smiley faces.

For some it seems like a medical miracle as the doctors had previously told the family that there wasn’t much hope that Bobbi’s condition would improve.

It isn’t clear if there will be any lasting neurological damage or other complications due to how long Bobbi was unconscious in the bathtub but all of the family’s correspondence about her condition have been filled with joyful, positive messages that seem very optimistic about Bobbi’s future.

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