Eric Garner’s Daughter Tweets Address of Police Officer Involved in Her Father’s Death

Eric Garner’s daughter Erica gave her Twitter followers a different kind of Christmas present this year.  Garner tweeted out the address of a police officer who was present during the choking of her father.

Garner tweeted that cop Justin D’Amico was “another officer that helped killed [sic] my dad,” and then directed her 5,000-plus Twitter followers to a Web page that lists addresses for D’Amico and five possible relatives.

D’Amico received immunity from testifying before the Staten Island grand jury that failed to indict officer Daniel Pantaleo, the officer responsible for Eric Garner’s July 17 death.

The link was posted to a page on the Web site, which lets users anonymously post text documents for public viewing. She said that her tweet was “just something light” and hashtagged #Doxx, referencing the online practice of revealing private details about people’s lives.

The tweet that was posted at 1:45 a.m. was soon deleted, but not before it was viewed and retweeted over 500 times, according to information acquired by the New York Post.

An NYPD source was quick to place the blame on Garner and told the Post that the tweet was “disgusting” and “poses grave danger” to D’Amico and his family.

“She clearly wants someone to go to the officer’s house and assassinate him in cold blood just like Ramos and Liu,” the source said.

This comes less than a week after a man shot and killed NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, which has put police officers on high alert.

The head of the NYPD sergeants union, Ed Mullins, called the tweet “terrible behavior that continues to cause divisive actions throughout the city. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” he added, insinuating that Eric Garner was a “bad apple.”

Garner’s family lawyer Jonathan Moore says that he didn’t know what exactly was in the link that Erica posted. “Nobody in the Garner family, including Erica, would consciously send information out about the personal address or phone number or any identifying information about the police officers, particularly after what happened to those two officers,” he told The Post.

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