ESPN Ends Relationship With Artie Lange After Racist Harassment of Cari Champion

Cari Champion. Artie LangeAfter Artie Lange’s onslaught of racist and sexist tweets about ESPN hostess Cari Champion, the Worldwide Leader in Sports decided to end any future possible relationship with the comedian. 

Yesterday, ESPN stated that Lange’s comments were “reprehensible” and “objectify and demean one of our valued employees under the guise of ‘comedy’ and are offensive to all of us.”

Lange tweeted that Champion “is so f***ing hot” and went on to describe his slave fantasy.  In the fantasy, Champion is his slave and he is Thomas Jefferson.

Some of his tweets can be viewed here.

TMZ reported that Lange has been banned from ever appearing on the sports network.  He was also removed from a scheduled appearance on Comedy Central.


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