The Voice of Hulu Has Been Fired

The man who for six years assured binge-watchers that “the following program is brought to you with limited commercial interruption,” known as “the voice of Hulu,” has intoned his last advertisement for the streaming video service.

Any Hulu viewer will recognize the rich, sonorous voice of voice-over actor Dave Fennoy, who says he was abruptly fired by Hulu last month.

“I’m baffled,” Fennoy told Quartz. Hulu, he said, didn’t provide an explanation.  “Not a word, not a note, nothing. They just told me, you’re out.”

People come and go at any company, but Fennoy—his voice, at least, if not his face or his name—was perhaps Hulu’s most recognizable employee. His 11-syllable preamble to ads on the site could quickly get inside the head of someone watching multiple episodes in one sitting. The message, known in the TV industry as a bumper, is also notable because Hulu is regarded for creative forms of video advertising, like letting people choose which ads they want to watch or having a single sponsor per episode. (Thus the need for Fennoy’s bumper, “The following program is brought to you with limited commercial interruption by…”)


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