‘Stand Our Ground Week’ Organized to Raise Awareness for Marissa Alexander

Marissa Alexander (center), the woman who is facing 60 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her husband during a domestic dispute.

Marissa Alexander (center), the woman who is facing 60 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her husband during a domestic dispute.

As the Aug. 1 court hearing for Marissa Alexander draws closer, supporters continue to stand by the side of the Florida woman who is facing 60 years in prison for firing a warning shot at her husband during a domestic dispute.

Activists nationally and locally are organizing a “Standing Our Ground” week to raise awareness of reproductive oppression, gender violence and mass incarceration, from July 25 to August 1 in Jacksonville, Florida.

The first day of the week will acknowledge the one year anniversary that George Zimmerman was exonerated for the killing of  African-American teenager Trayvon Martin.

The events will run into Alexander’s court date, where she will argue for her immunity under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law.

On Friday, July 25, the national SisterSong Reproductive Justice Institute will hold a day of panel discussions and workshops. A youth assembly will be held on Saturday. On July 27, a benefit concert will be held for Alexander’s legal defense fund. A march will be held July 28, and a panel of local and national feminists and leaders in the movement for women’s safety will be held Tuesday, July 29.

On Wednesday, panels will take on issues of police brutality. On the final day of activism, legal experts will train the community about their rights under the law, ending with a candlelight vigil.

The exact times and locations will be announced in the near future. For more information about the “Standing Our Ground” week, click here.


Source: bet.com/news

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