International Women’s Day Sparks Global Push for ‘Peace, Prosperity and Stability’

UN March in March to End Violence Against Women All across the globe women are constantly falling victim to physical, verbal, sexual and emotional abuse. Many are permanently scarred by attacks and many more are left feeling helpless.

The UN Women for Peace aimed to end the abuse over the International Women’s Day weekend.

The global holiday was  March 8, but the UN Women for Peace joined forces that Friday, for the annual March in March to End Violence Against Women.

Many powerful ladies gathered for a march outside the United Nations building in New York.

Mrs. Ban Soon-Taek, the wife of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Patron of UN Women for Peace, attended along with Cindy McCain, Trudie Styler, Kelly Rutherford, Kim Cattrall and Naomi Campbell.

Campbell broke down in tears during the march and during some of the speeches that were shared throughout the day.

The British supermodel also shared her own thoughts at the march and earned praised from many of the women.

The Twitter page for the There Is No Limit Foundation tweeted Campbell shortly after her speech.

“@NaomiCampbell spoke #beautifully at the #unwomenforpeace March,” the tweet read. “Guinean #women must be #empowered. #IWD2014.”

Campbell quickly responded saying, “@ThereIsNoLimitF thank you was an honor to be #unwomenforpeace.”

Of course, the fight for equality and peace didn’t involve only women.

Secretary of State John Kerry also spoke out in support of International Women’s Day and reminded the nation why this cause is so important.

Naomi Campbell crying at Women's Day March “International Women’s Day is more than a moment marked on a calendar,” Kerry said. “It is a day not just to renew our determination to make the world a more peaceful and prosperous place, but to recognize that a world where opportunities for women to grow, is a world where the possibilities for peace, prosperity and stability grow even more.”

He also said that while Syria has certainly revealed an ugly side of humanity, it has also shown the incredible strength of the women involved.

“Even as the Assad regime’s barrel-bombing of Aleppo continues, showing the world a brutal regime’s true colors, with every act of courage and perseverance Syria’s women show the world their true colors as well,” he continued. “…Their stories spoke of bravery of countless other Syrian women. One women from Idlib worked with the Free Syrian Army to ensure that the people of her village could remain in their homes and till their own land.”

Kerry then said that countries that exclude women’s voices from negotiations for peace will be destined to take on the burden of war.

“Countries that value and empower women to participate fully in decision making are more stable, prosperous and secure,” Kerry said. “….When women are excluded from negotiations, the peace that follows is more tenuous. Trust is eroded and human rights and accountability are often ignored.”

He concluded his speech by pushing for equality and peace for women and saying that countries that include women as “equal partners” will thrive.

Marches and other demonstrations in support of peace and the empowerment of women took place in the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Cuba, Vietnam, Belarus, Georgia, Bosnia, and several other countries.

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