Michelle Obama Ticks Off Conservatives With Formal Dress at Formal State Dinner

Michelle Obama attacked by right wing

When it comes to extreme right-wing conservatives, Michelle Obama just can’t seem to please them.

The first lady wore a gorgeous black and light blue Carolina Herrera ballgown to the state dinner in honor of French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday.

While the dress earned high marks from several fashion bloggers and NBC news producers, some conservatives were outraged that the first lady had the audacity to slip into something other than her usual affordable fashions from J. Crew.

It all started when Shawna Thomas, a producer for NBC News, tweeted, “Holy crap look at the first lady’s dress. #BOWDOWN.”

The hashtag is a clear reference to Beyonce’s song, but the hashtag was far too much praise for Twitchy founder Michelle Malkin to handle.

Malkin and her followers felt that the gown, which is estimated to cost up to $12,000, was a ridiculous choice for a formal dinner and felt that bedroom slippers and a dress from Rainbow’s would be more appropriate for the occasion.

Michelle Malkin tells first lady to Bow Down

“Ladies, it is officially #BOWDOWNWednesday – tweet a pic of YOUR fave fashion bargain in honor of @FLOTUS/@ShawnaNBCNews & #BOWDOWN,” Malkin tweeted.

She then posted another tweet saying $12,000 Caroline Herrera ball gowns are out and  stylish thrift is in.

It’s important to note that conservatives mocked the first lady when she decided to re-wear several of her dresses to different events, so they could not have too much appreciation for thrifty fashion.

Obama also often wears affordable brands like J. Crew and Talbot.

But there are certain occasions, perhaps like a White House dinner for a foreign leader, where a J. Crew dress might not be appropriate.

Author of “Michelle Obama: First Lady of Fashion and Style,” Susan Swimmer, noted that the dress pulled inspiration from French fashion trends, which made it a great selection for the occasion.

“It’s much more keeping in a French aesthetic than I’ve seen her wear before,” Swimmer said. “It’s very French in terms of how ornate it is and the use of lace and the velvet sash.”

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had a few negative things to say about the gown and his attacks on the first lady have been “particularly venomous,” according to political commentator Krystal Ball.

Limbaugh went on a full rant about the ballgown and said that the first lady looked like Oprah Winfrey from behind – a surprising comment considering Limbaugh has referred to Winfrey as a friend of his.

Ball took to the air to slam Limbaugh for his treatment of the first lady.

“She can’t even wear a beautiful dress without being criticized by Rush Limbaugh in such a nasty way,” she said. “It’s been really nasty, really personal, there is no line that this guy won’t cross.”

She also added that it seems like nobody within the Republican Party is “willing to stand up to this guy.”

“When he made comments about Sandra Fluke, calling her a slut and a prostitute, there was no one in the party who was willing to call him out,” Ball added. “It’s pathetic.”

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