Ryan Clark Says His 0-4 Steelers Will Make Playoffs


Ryan Clark Says His 0-4 Steelers will make the playoffsPittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Clark believes that his winless team can still make the playoffs, and he’s not too shy to share his beliefs.

“I just believe we can win. That’s just the bottom line,” Clark said Tuesday. “I think we have the people in this room, the coaches. Also, looking at our schedule, we’re not playing world beaters, we’re not playing gods. We’re playing men.”

The Steelers are currently holding a 0-4 losing record and an NFL team needs to win nine or 10 games to make it to the playoffs. For the Steelers, they still have to play top-tier teams like the Lions, Patriots, Packers and Dolphins. Off their remaining 12 games, only three opposing teams have losing records.

“We’re playing football teams that have vulnerabilities and teams I think we can beat,” Clark said. “That’s five division opponents left, so it’s in our own hands. I think we can win those games, and I think we will.”

The Steelers are 2.5 games behind the Bengals, Browns and the Ravens in the AFC North.

“So we need to win, to get this record to 1-4. Then we come back and regroup and forget you won that game and win the next one,” said Clark.

The Steelers play the New York Jets on Sunday Oct. 13, but they will have to beat them on their home field to earn that first win of the season.

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