Robert Griffin III to Start Season Opener For Washington Redskins

Robert Griffin III will start the Washington Redskins’ opener on “Monday Night Football”  Sept. 9, according to sources.

The Redskins will play against the Philadelphia Eagles and the quarterback, Griffin, will be at the helm. Griffin has practiced over the last two weeks without any problems with his knee, in which he tore his ACL late last season.

Griffin is still scheduled to meet with Dr. James Andrews to get official medical clearance to play prior to the Redskins’ preseason game Thursday night. Sources say the meeting is just a formality; Andrews only wants to re-examine Griffin’s knee as he has already cleared him to play before training camp.

In an interview with ESPN earlier this week, Griffin said he feels fully recovered from his knee injury.

“I would say I’m 100 percent, but you can’t put a number on it,” Griffin told ESPN980 Radio in Washington earlier this week. “No one ever knows when they are 100 percent or what percentage they’re playing at. The biggest thing is, I’m not below 100 percent.”

He also said he has not lost any speed after the injury.

“If I had to run a 40 today at the combine in my underwear, I feel like I could run a 4.3-something,” he told ESPN980.

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