Chris Brown Gets 2nd Chance After Discrepancies in Community Service Hours Questioned

Chris Brown won another small victory in court yesterday when a judge agreed to reinstate his probation if he completes another 1000 hours of community service.

Brown’s probation was initially revoked when he was charged with a hit-and-run last month. In addition, his original 1,440 hours of probation stemming from his 2009 felony assault in the assault of singer Rihanna have been under heavy scrutiny.

The LA County District Attorney accused the singer of faking the majority of his hours. According to the Los Angeles Times, the DA’s office called the reporting of Brown’s community service, “at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting.”

The DA followed up with a 19-page motion detailing the many discrepancies in Brown’s community service reporting.

In the end, the judge ruled against Brown but gave him a second chance with a new set of rules.

According to TMZ:

“Unlike last time — when the judge said Chris could complete his labor in his home state of Virginia — the judge today ordered that Chris’ service must be supervised by LA County officials.

“Chris can choose between Caltrans (aka highway cleanup), beach cleanup, probation alternative work services (PAWS), or our personal favorite … graffiti removal.

Chris must also report to a probation officer within the next 48 hours. He did not look happy in court.”

Brown may not be too eager to tackle his roadside cleaning, but anything that amounts to avoiding jail time should be seen as a victory.

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