How Many Drinks? Miguel Arrested For DUI

R&B singer Miguel was arrested yesterday for suspicion of driving under the influence in Los Angeles. The “Adorn” singer’s car was pulled over by highway patrol police and he subsequently failed a sobriety test.

According to the

“Miguel was allegedly speeding through Marina Del Rey after 2:30am, in a BMW with illegally tinted windows. Once the car was pulled over, a California highway patrol officer conducted sobriety tests, which Miguel failed. The singer also failed a breath test, a police spokeswoman told the Los Angeles Times. He was found to have a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.10 – 100mg/100ml – just over the state’s legal limit [of .08].”

Miguel spent 90 minutes in jail. He was released on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear in court on Sept. 9.

Miguel and his representatives have not commented on the incident.

Miguel has won multiple awards for his hit single from last year, ‘Adorn,’ and his album, Kaleidoscope Dream, was one of the most critically acclaimed in the past year.

This DUI charge may not be the only legal issue facing Miguel. A few months ago a fan sued him for an incident related to the 2013 Billboard awards when the singer accidentally landed on her head while jumping across the stage.

Hopefully, Miguel can put all this legal trouble behind him and get back to doing what he does best: making music.


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