The show follows La La’s life after seven years of dating, three years of being engaged, and 3 ½ years raising a son with NBA superstar Carmelo Anthony. TV personality La La Vazquez and Anthony finally tied the knot on the recent VH1 hit “La La’s Full Court Wedding.” The lovable couple is back again for 10 new half-hour episodes, which chronicle the lives of this newlywed celebrity couple trying to have it all.
La La is always on the go—whether she’s working in Hollywood, caring for her family, or dealing with the successes and struggles of being married to an NBA superstar who is about to be traded. In this series, we follow La La as she transitions from a relatively sleepy life in her sprawling Denver mansion to the hustle and bustle of New York City, when Carmelo is traded to the New York Knicks.
“La La’s Full Court Life” airs Sunday at 10:00P.M. on VH1.