Lady Gaga Gets Naked For Marina Abramovic Art Video

 Artist Marina Abramovic has been in music news a lot lately after Jay Z mimicked her 2010 art exhibition for his “Picasso Baby” performance art film.

Now Abramovic is back as she promotes a campaign to help fund the Marina Abramovic Institute. The institute is designed to be a place where people can learn the “Abramovic Method,” a series of mediation exercises and breathing techniques that are “designed to heighten participants’ awareness of their physical and mental experience in the present moment.”

To help bring some attention to the campaign, Abramovic enlisted the help of a celebrity friend.

Lady Gaga gets completely naked as she performs the “Abramovic Method.” In what was reported to be a three-day retreat Gaga stars in Abramovic’s video called “The Abramovic Method Practiced by Lady Gaga.”

According to

“The intriguing scenes, featuring the daring Gaga, show her walking across a grassy field in the buff as well as a glimpse of the singer bent down holding a tree branch in the forest.

“While also nude, she sits on a crystal and cradles it before ending the video by abruptly opening her eyes as she is surrounded by stones.”

The “Born This Way” star is definitely no stranger to this type of behavior. She loves to support arts of all kind and this just another demonstration.

Abramovic said loved the way Gaga threw herself into the process. As Abramovic told

“She never said it was too much, she said, ‘I want more,’ every time,” Abramovic said of her star student. Gaga was totally committed, giving up her cellphone and all outside communication to focus on the training.

“I respect no compromise … [she has] everything it takes to make it,” Abramovic said of Gaga’s tenacity. “I found somebody who can really be a spokesman for something that means so much to me.”

The Kickstarter campaign is attempting to raise $600,00 for the cause. As of this writing they are almost halfway there, and with this attention they should be well on their way to meeting the goal.

Check out the NSFW video below.

The Abramovic Method Practiced by Lady Gaga from Marina Abramovic Institute on Vimeo.



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