The next chapter in TV One’s highly successful “R&B Divas” reality franchise unfolds with a new series, “R&B Divas: LA.” The series, following the lives and careers of Kelly Price, Chante Moore, Lil’ Mo, Claudette Ortiz, Michel’le and Dawn Robinson, will begin production this month in Los Angeles with an anticipated premiere on TV One in 2013. Over eight episodes, viewers and fans will follow these multitalented ladies as they seek to individually and collectively re-establish themselves in the pop culture limelight with new deals, new drama and new directions for their careers and their lives. Success is the only option for these six friends – but is there room at the top for them all?
Watch “R&B Divas: LA” Season 1 Episode 5 “Diva’s Divided” at 10:00PM on TV One.