Say What? Chris Brown Claims He’s Ending Music Career

A frustrated Chris Brown took to Twitter on Tuesday claiming that he’ll be quitting music after his upcoming album X. 

The young R&B singer says he’s “tired of being famous for a mistake” he made when he was 18, referring to the 2009 domestic abuse incident with ex- girlfriend Rihanna.

“Don’t worry mainstream America. After this X album, it’ll probably be my last album,” tweeted Brown “Being famous is amazing when it’s for ur music and talent. I’m tired of being famous for a mistake I made when i was 18. I’m cool & over it!”

Brown’s frustration yesterday probably stemmed from the fact that he had to turn himself into a California jail yesterday for a hit-and-run charge he received a few months ago. Brown reportedly only spent 45 minutes in jail in what was a formality because he wasn’t arrested at the scene of the accident. But it seemed to enough to send him over the edge.

However, Brown was probably just being a bit melodramatic. It must be difficult having to live with a mistake that you made when you were a teenager. Although what Chris did Rihanna was unspeakable, he was fairly young at the time, and I believed he deserved a second chance.

So if that was the only incident that Chris Breezy was involved in over the last four years and he was still being criticized for it, then that would be unfair.

But there have been a number of  times that Chris has had run-ins with the law, including parole violations and fights in nightclubs, in addition to this latest hit-and- run incident.

While all of these situations may not have be 100 percent under his control, Chris seems to forget that when you’ve already messed up, the public is going to cast a critical eye on all your mistakes going forward.

So maybe taking a break from music wouldn’t be such a bad idea for Brown, so he can get his life together.

The tweets have already been removed from Twitter. But we won’t have to wait long to see if Brown will make good on his threat to quit music. His new album is scheduled to be released on Aug. 27. We’ll see what happens then.

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