Yankees A-Rod Can Still Play During Suspension Appeal


Photo by www.bostinno.streetwise.com

The MLB has decided to suspend New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez for doping violations through the 2014 season, according to an anonymous source. However, that won’t stop Rodriguez from playing ball.

An unauthorized statement given by an anonymous source said the Yankees ball club has been informed of A-Rod’s upcoming suspension for testing positive for banned performance-enhancing drugs. But there is a way out for A-Rod.

The Yankees star could get a shorter penalty if he agrees to give up the right to file a grievance and force the case before an arbitrator, the source added.

Also, when A-Rod is suspended he can appeal the MLB decision, which means he could still play with the team during the appeal process.

A-Rod, 38, is a three-time MVP and 14-time all-star that was due to return to the major leagues Monday night when the Yankees play at Chicago White Sox. That would mark his first big league appearance since hip surgery in January.

Regardless of what the MLB does on Monday, Yankees manager Joe Girardi is ready for his best player.

“He’s in there, and I’m going to play him,” Girardi said Sunday after New York’s 6-3 loss at San Diego.

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