Activity-Tracker Review: Nike Fuel Band, Fitbit or Jawbone Up?

Activity trackers have been gaining a lot of attention over the past year or so, as people look to technology to help them become more motivated toward their fitness goals.

The most popular activity trackers on the market are the Nike Fuel Band, the Fitbit Flex, and the Jawbone Up. The dilemma for most people is which one should they choose to best fit their needs. Above is a great video that details the differences and offers a review of which devices give the wearer the most “bang for the buck.”

I personally use the Nike Fuel Band on a daily basis. I like the look and feel of it, but I do think it’s built more for men. The Fuel Band also takes some getting used, in terms of what the “fuel” actually is – but after a week or so you  begin to get an idea.

My wife recently got the Fitbit Flex and she loves it. The look and feel is nice, and she thinks it’s more flexible than the Fuel Band. The only drawback she finds is that it is a little hard to put on, and the device displays are not as complete as the Fuel Band.

Lauren Goode, the columnist in the video, recommends the Fitbit Flex as the overall best value, although she rates the Jawbone Up as her favorite.

As she says in her article:

“My conclusion is that the Fitbit Flex is actually the best all-around band for your buck. It’s pretty accurate. Its wireless data-syncing is amazingly fast. It works with both iPhone and Android. It records sleep, if you’re into that, and it has a comprehensive food-tracking system. It’s comfortable, and it’s the least expensive at $100.”

Regardless of which one you end up choosing the goal should be the same: to become more active.

As Goode states in the video, the bands may not be incredibly accurate, but that is OK.  If you set a goal on one of these devices and strive to reach it, you will become more active. So look at it as a high-tech motivator that can also track your activity.

Check out the video above and Lauren’s full article here.




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