Gadhafi’s Son Seif Al-Islam Hearing Set for 2011 War Crimes

Nearly two years after Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in Libya – his son, Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, is yet to stand trial for alleged war crimes committed during the 2011 uprising.

He’s set for a hearing in Libya in August – but International Criminal Court judges fear he won’t receive a fair trial there. Libya is meanwhile defying an ICC ruling by refusing to hand him over to the Hague, insisting on trial at home.

According to Magharebia news website:

“On July 18th, the ICC rejected Tripoli’s request to keep Gadhafi’s son in Libya for trial, AFP reported. The Hague-based court added that Libya remained ‘obliged’ to hand over Seif al-Islam.

“The Libyan government ‘will again appeal the ICC decision as soon as Seif al-Islam is transferred’ to Tripoli, according to Ahmed al-Jehani, Libya’s representative to the ICC.

‘The ICC decision is based on Seif al-Islam’s detention in Zintan and not under the control of the judicial authorities in Tripoli,’ he said. ‘This (ICC) decision is not final. Libya’s right to try Seif al-Islam is linked to his transfer to Tripoli.’

‘”We will appeal the Court’s decision as soon as we meet the three demands expressed by the ICC: the transfer of the accused Seif Gadhafi to the city of Tripoli and the appointment of lawyers for Seif Gadhafi and [former intelligence chief and Gadhafi family member] Abdullah Senussi,’ said Salah al-Marghani, Libya’s justice minister.

“He pointed out that the investigation would be handled by the Public Prosecution.

“‘The provision of lawyers, we are working on that as well as on several different investigations other than rape and murder,’ al-Marghani added.

“Last month, Libyan prosecutors said Senussi, Seif al-Islam and other former regime officials would stand trial in August.”

Libyan court sentences former Gadhafi minister to death

Reuters reports:

“A former minister in the government of Moammar Gadhafi was sentenced to death on Wednesday for inciting violence against protesters during the uprising that led to the Libyan dictator’s overthrow in 2011, a lawyer said on Wednesday.

“In the first such ruling against a Gadhafi-era official, a court in Misrata found Ahmed Ibrahim guilty of undermining national security and plotting the killing of civilians, Salim Dans, a lawyer representing victims, told Reuters.

“He said Libya’s supreme court would have to confirm the ruling for the death penalty to be implemented.

“Ibrahim held several senior positions including education and information minister. He was captured by Misratan rebel fighters in Gadhafi’s hometown Sirte, the last bastion in the former leader’s fight to hold onto power. Gadhafi was captured and killed in October 2011.

“Libya’s new rulers, who aim to draw up a democratic constitution this year, are keen to try Gadhafi’s family members and loyalists at home to show citizens that those who helped him stay in power for 42 years are being punished.”

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