DMX Files Bankruptcy: Owes $1.24M in Child Support

Photo credit Matt Mead

After he was arrested last week for what seemed like the umpteenth time for an alleged DUI, DMX finds himself back in hot water, having to file bankruptcy. The Yonkers MC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in a New York court on Monday. DMX also owes an astonishing $1.24 million in child support.

According to the

“Earl Simmons, aka DMX, lists less than $50,000 in assets and $1 million to $10 million in debt. The rapper said in court papers that he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is available to both businesses and consumers, ‘to enable me to reorganize my financial affairs.’

“The New York native and current South Carolina resident owes $1.24 million in child support and more than $21,000 on an auto lease, among other obligations.”

These figures are staggering.

First of all, how does someone who hasn’t had a hit song in years earn enough money to owe $1.24 million in child support? And it’s unimaginable that someone who claims to have less than $50,000 in assets owes $21,000 in lease fees for a car.

In a statement issued to, DMX’s representative Domenick Nati says the following:

“DMX’s financial strains have been inhibiting his career for several years. Poor financial management by prior representation have caused him to be ineligible to retain a passport. The purpose of this bankruptcy filing is for reorganization so he can perform for his fans oversees [sic]. We are currently planning a tour in Europe and Africa for the fall of 2013.”

DMX may probably want to get rid of Mr. Nati as well, because this issue doesn’t seem to have anything to do with obtaining a passport.

As for DMX, he seems to be tired of all the drama, literally. In the TMZ video below, the rapper can be seen being arrested and then falling asleep in the police car.

As I have stated before, DMX was such a passionate artist in his prime that he’s still beloved by many fans. Hopefully, he can  put all this drama behind him and bring some normalcy to his life.



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