Morsi Charged with Murder, Egypt on Boil

At least seven Egyptians killed, 274 injured as rallies against terrorism, spurred by President Morsi’s murder charge, rage through cities.

According to

“Egypt’s political divisions seethed Friday as rival rallies between opponents and supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi surged through cities, and the army increased pressure on Islamists to abandon a month-long sit-in outside a Cairo mosque.

“The nation’s volatile atmosphere — tanks clattered and riot police gathered — sharpened hours after state media reported that prosecutors accused Morsi of espionage, murder and conspiring with the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

“The allegations infuriated tens of thousands of Morsi’s Islamist supporters, who cursed the military and chanted ‘God is great.’

Conflicting Rallies

According to

“At least Seven people were killed on Friday in clashes between supporters and opponents of deposed president Mohamed Morsi in the coastal city of Alexandria, said head of Egypt’s Ambulance Authority Mohamed Sultan.

“In addition, at least 274 people were injured in clashes nationwide including Cairo and the governorates of Damietta, Gharbiya, Sharqiya in the Nile Delta.

“By midnight, Sultan said that 45 people have been released from hospital so far while 170 others are still receiving medical care. He added that 61 people were injured by birdshot.”

According to

“Reports from other cities claimed that demonstrators were pelting stones from rooftops. Seven protesters were reported hurt during clashes in the Nile delta city of Damietta.

“It remains unclear what steps the military is planning after Friday’s show of public strength. The most explosive step would be if it were to try to break up sit-ins by Islamists who have been camped out at in Cairo and other cities for weeks. The military could also move to arrest Brotherhood figures who have arrest warrants against them. Or it could take firmer action to stop any sign of violence.

“There is likelihood of more violence. Seems like turmoil in Egypt is far from over.”

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