Natural Healing: Can Cacao Defend Against Strokes?

It may not be recommended by a dietician,  but chances are good the average person will like new research suggesting that chocolate may act as a sort of “defense shield” against strokes.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden followed the diets of more than 37,000 Swedish men. In the end, the data showed that those eating the most chocolate were the least likely to have a stroke, according to reports detailing the project.

The results tend to support data from previous, similar studies suggesting that chocolate consumption has an overall positive effect on the body’s cardiovascular system, though researchers and stroke-related organizations caution not to over-indulge in the dark, delectable delight.

Tracking eating habits

Researchers gathered data by tracking the eating habits of everyone who took part in the study; their overall health conditions were monitored for 10 years.

The participants were split into four groups based on the amount of chocolate consumed, the BBC reported. The bottom group, on average, consumed no chocolate each week while the top group consumed about 2.2 ounces, or slightly more than the average chocolate bar each week.

In comparing the top and bottom groups, researchers found that those eating the most chocolate were 17 percent less likely to suffer a stroke during the study. The results of the study were published recently in the journal Neurology.

Read More: Natural News

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