Mohammed Morsi: Family Accuses Egypt’s Military of Abduction

Egypt’s ousted President Morsi ‘abducted by army’

The family of the ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has accused the army of abducting him.

Morsi’s daughter Shaimaa told a news conference in Cairo that the family is taking legal measures to defend her father against Egypt’s military.

The Egyptian military ousted Morsi, the nation’s first freely elected president, on July 3. The military suspended the constitution and installed an interim government, insisting it was responding to the millions of Egyptians who had opposed Morsi’s Islamist agenda, as well as his connection with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Morsi has been held at an undisclosed location without charge since he was removed from office.

According to the BBC:

“The statement from Mr. Morsi’s family – the first since he was deposed from office – said it held the military responsible for the former leader’s ‘safety and security.’

“‘We are taking local and international legal measures against Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the leader of the bloody military coup, and his putschist group,’ Shaimaa Morsi told reporters.

“The family was appealing to the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation into the events leading up to his removal from power, she said.

“One of Mr. Morsi’s sons, Osama, said: ‘What is going on is a violation of human rights and a scandal in every sense of the word.’

“He described the manner in which the military were holding Mr. Morsi as an ‘abduction.'”

As it relates to his abduction, European diplomats and several other world leaders have joined the called for the release of Morsi.

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