‘The Game’ Season 6, Episode 13 ‘I Love Luke… Ahh’

The Game” Season 6, Episode 13 “I Love Luke… Ahh,” premieres tonight on BET. In tonight’s episode, we find that while Blue and Keira work on being platonic friends, Blue tries to interfere with Keira’s newest romantic endeavor with the co-star of her new film. Meanwhile, Malik discovers that although he has Reece in his corner, his checkered past is hindering his efforts to advance ‘Malik 2.0.’ Finally, when Jason suffers a serious football injury, Tasha helps Chardonnay navigate her emotions as the reality of being a ‘football wife’ becomes real.

“The Game” Season 6, Episode 13 “I Love Luke… Ahh,” premieres on BET tonight at 10 PM/9 Central.

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