Settle The Beef: Milwaukee Bucks and Brandon Jennings Must Part Ways

The Milwaukee Bucks put forward an offer to point guard Jeff Teague for a $32 million four-year contract. That move from the organization made it known that things will never work out with current point guard Brandon Jennings.

Even Jennings knows head coach Larry Drew and the franchise don’t want him. At this point, the Bucks must do whatever it takes to cut ties with the “locker room parasite.”

No other teams appear to have any interest in Jennings’ free agency. He is an overrated point guard who does not know how to play the position as he should. In fact, he is more of a shooting guard who really cannot shoot. Jennings would be lucky to get the kind of money Teague is getting.

Jennings has been offered $4.5 million this season by the Bucks. However, it would be smarter for the organization to just get rid of him.

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