Mohamed Morsi: Egypt’s Crisis Deepens with Bloody Unrest

Muslim Brotherhood blames army for Cairo bloodshed

Many Egyptians hoped that the military removal of democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi from office would result in an improvement in the political climate. However, the coup has deepened the crisis in Egypt leaving no clear path for a nonviolent resolution.

“Egypt’s fragile political condition sank toward critical Monday after the military opened fire and killed dozens of Islamists who were demanding the return to office of deposed President Mohammed Morsi. It was the worst political violence in the country since the demonstrations 2½ years ago that led to the resignation of Hosni Mubarak.” – Miami Herald

An estimated 54 people were killed and more than 400 wounded when military troops fired on a group of protesters. At least one of the dead was a soldier, the rest were members of a pro-Muslim Brotherhood group that has been camped outside the barracks protesting the ouster of  President Morsi, a leading member of the Brotherhood who had been elected to office a year ago.

“The military’s explanations of the killings on Monday contradicted dozens of witnesses who said the attack had been unprovoked, said the violence had started when Brotherhood members attacked the officers’ club of the Republican Guard.”

“It was like they were talking about another country,” said Dr. Mohamed Ahmed, a trauma surgeon. “I was there when it happened. All they talked about was this soldier who died. Are we here killing ourselves, or what?”  – NY Times

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the Brotherhood’s political wing – which took nearly half the seats in historic parliamentary elections held in late 2011 and early 2012 – called on Egyptians to stage an ”uprising” against “those trying to steal their revolution with tanks”.

It also urged the international community to intervene to “stop further massacres” and prevent Egypt from becoming “a new Syria”.

The hardline Salafist Nour party – which had supported Mr Morsi’s removal – said it was withdrawing from talks to choose an interim prime minister, describing the shooting incident as a “massacre”.  – BBC

In  a related news item, Egypt’s military and its political allies have chosen Adly Mansour as the interim president. Mansour has promised to have Egypt’s constitution amended along with parliamentary and presidential elections in early 2014.

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