Miguel Faces Possible Lawsuit After Kicking Fan at Billboard Awards

Miguel Lawsuit: Miguel may be getting sued by his “new friend” after he basically drop kicked a fan during a failed stage jump during the 2013 Billboard Awards.

Well you heard it here first. When we originally reported that Miguel had drop kicked one woman during the Billboard Awards and pretty much shoved his crotch in another woman’s face we suspected that a lawsuit would follow soon enough despite his attempt to make things better backstage.

While the R&B star went out of his way to find the woman and apologize and even bring her backstage for an interview, money is money and after a trip to the doctor’s office Miguel’s “new friend” Khyati Shah may be hitting him with a serious lawsuit.

Shah’s attorney, Vip Bhola, told E! News that her client is considering suing Miguel but whether or not she will follow through with it depends on what the medical tests reveal.

“We will determine that after we have feedback from medical providers,” Bhola said without giving a specific deadline on when Miguel will be in the clear.

The attorney also didn’t reveal if there were any specific injuries or medical issues that Khyati has been dealing with since the incident but considering the fact that she dropped out of the camera’s view after receiving the harsh blow it wouldn’t be hard to believe that the kick had some long term effects.

Now here is where Miguel should really be worried. If Shah shows any signs of being successful with the lawsuit that means there is another woman out there who can sue him for the exact same thing – don’t forget he landed on two women after failing the stage jump.

Meanwhile, Miguel is doing his best to keep the attention off the Billboards fiasco as he stirred up the Twitterverse with a rather controversial message.

It all started when some of his fans slammed him for posting an image on Instagram of himself rocking a t-shirt with a bone hand on it. The bone hand had pointer finger and pink extended upward in the usual gesture that is often used in the “Rock n Roll” culture.

Well apparently some of the “Adorn” crooner’s fans saw the gesture as devil horns and immediately went on the attack.

That’s when the award winning entertainer launch a series of tweets that proved he was fearless when it came to stating his opinion.

“I’m proud of my heritage but honestly, black people are the most judgemental people in the world,” he tweeted. “Sh**s sad man… we’ve been conditioned, pre-programmed to hate ourselves… that’s why I appreciate those who choose to think and act for themselves regardless of ethnicity or culture.. the problem can not be fixed until the problem is recognized.”

He then ended the Twitter rant with a statement of gratitude that not everyone is the same.

“Not everyone is the same thank goodness,” he added. “And obviously, I love all my fans… Of course EVERYONE is judgmental.”

This isn’t the first time a man of some sort of African American descent slammed black people as being judgmental or too sensitive about certain issues.

ASAP Rocky made the same claim after he was slammed for saying he didn’t like when dark skinned women wore red lipstick.

During an interview with BBC 1Xtra’s Charlie Sloth, however, Miguel made it clear that his comments weren’t made out of spite or ignorance. They were simply him speaking his mind from an educated standpoint.

“”I think what is clear when you put it all in context is that I’m saying that we are judgmental of our own … If you take it out of context, I seem like I’m uneducated [but] I see more black people tearing down other black people than I see any other culture tearing down their own culture regardless of what they’re doing,” Miguel explained during the interview. “I’m just talking about what I see, and how disappointed I am in that. I’m not judging my own people. That’s a fallacy. I’m merely … making a conversation of it.”

Quite frankly, Miguel is dead on in his explanation of what he meant and hopefully with an artist as influential as he is piping up about the issue more and more African Americans will stop tearing each other down and opt to lift each other up instead.


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