Kobe Bryant’s Mom Tarnishes Relationship Over Money?

Kobe Bryant’s mom has been halted from auctioning off her son’s memorabilia until a judge can decide if the items actually belong to her or her son. Meanwhile, Kobe is making it very well known that he is hurt by his mother’s greed which has apparently created a major rift in their relationship.

Kobe Bryant probably won’t be getting his mother, Pamela Bryant, anything fancy for Mother’s Day.

Kobe’s legal team is actually pursuing the NBA star’s mother claiming that the items she is trying to auction off do not belong to her and therefore she does not have the right to sell them.

Luckily for Kobe his legal team has already made some major progress in the case now that the Goldin Auctions has been forbidden from selling the items until the court reaches a decision.

What makes the situation even worse is the reason why Kobe’s mother is so eager to sell her son’s possessions in the first place.

Rumor has it that Pamela wanted a new home and when her son refused to give her the money for the lavish palace she allegedly stole some of his basketball memorabilia and was going to sell it to get the money herself.

No wonder they say money is the root of all evil.

A full hearing is scheduled to take place next Monday and from the looks of things it doesn’t seem like Pamela has much of a fighting chance… but you never know what her own legal team might be cooking up.

Unfortunately, the money issues isn’t the only thing that has caused a rift if their relationship.

Rumor has it that the real beef comes down to who Kobe is in love with.

Apparently, his mother isn’t too happy about him putting a rock on Vanessa’s finger and ever since then the only thing that has held her in connection with her son is money.

Despite all the tension between them, the NBA star has still given his mother millions and purchased luxurious homes and cars for her.

You’re probably wondering how much money is his mother willing to fight over when her son is already giving her so much… well that’s what makes Pamela look even more ridiculous.

The NBA star’s mom was offered a $450,000 advancement for the collection of high school basketball jerseys, championship rings, trophies, and other random memorabilia.

With the feud brewing for all these years Kobe finally took to social media where he revealed he has had about enough of his mother’s love for money that seems to trump her love for her son.

“When u give Give GIVE and they take Take TAKE at wat point do u draw a line in the sand,” he tweeted before adding the hashtags “#hurtbeyondmeasure #gavemenowarning #love?”

One can only hope that the mother and son will work things out before they get any uglier than they already are, but then again money has been known to do terrible things to wonderful people.


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