Vin Diesel Reveals Summer Filming of ‘Fast & Furious 7’

Universal has turned the Fast & Furious franchise into a juggernaut that fans love. I’d wager that I see more anticipation expressed for Fast & Furious 6 on a daily basis than I do for any other summer tent pole slated for release this year.

By crafting a series of tightly interconnected stories, the studio (and screenwriter Chris Morgan and director Justin Lin) have pinpointed exactly what audiences want: big action with entertaining actors and a storyline to match long-form television.

Seems so simple, but only Marvel is building the same sort of structure and capturing fans the same way.

Fast & Furious 6 arrives on May 24, and in a note about an early screening of the film Vin Diesel says that the reaction to 6 is good enough that shooting on Fast & Furious 7 is already set for this summer.

We don’t have precise plot or cast details for Fast 7 at this point, but there are some pretty spoilery ideas here, which were seemingly confirmed by THR earlier this week.

We know that Fast 7 will definitely happen, and now it seems like it’ll shoot soon. On his Facebook page, Diesel said, “There was an early screening in LA this week of Fast 6. The crowd reaction was surreal. . .  and their demand for the continuation was powerful. . . It’s remarkable to think I first embodied this character in 1999. . . and the evolution continues. P.s. Filming begins this summer in LA, where it all started. . . talk about a studio in sync with the audience.”

We don’t know who is directing Fast 7, but if Diesel is correct and filming starts in just a couple months, that’s a quick production schedule that suggests there’s no change of the guard in that department. So don’t be surprised to hear that Justin Lin is directing from a Chris Morgan script once again. (Back in 2011 it was reported that Morgan was writing the sixth and seventh movies back to back, with one story running through both movies.

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