The beloved Twilight film saga based on the best-selling books by Stephanie Meyer, will premiere the first film of the franchise, Twilight, on ABC Family beginning Saturday, February 9 at 7 PM. ET/PT. An encore showing will air directly following the premiere at 9:30 PM ET/PT and again on Sunday, February 10 at 7 PM and 9:30 PM ET/PT.
If you are not a “Twi-hard” fan and unfamiliar with the enthralling storyline, then read carefully: In the supernatural romantic drama Twilight the new girl in town, Bella (Kristen Stewart), falls for the hottest guy in school—not knowing the mysterious, elusive Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is actually part of a vampire family, and sworn enemy of Bella’s childhood friend, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Their newfound love opens Bella’s eyes to a secret world, but also puts her in unimaginable danger (ABC Family).
The Twilight saga finally makes its way to ABC Family, after first airing on Showtime, and then hitting FX.
ABC Family, affiliate of the Disney/ ABC Television Group, is distributed to over 97 million homes. ABC Family airs original, scripted programming, original movies, syndicated television shows, along with blockbuster movies.
The website is an Emmy Award-winning interactive entertainment community, featuring blogs, viewing parties, webisodes, full episodes, sneak peek previews and behind-the-scenes clips.
The family-friendly cable network is well-known for their 13 Nights of Halloween and 25 Days of Christmas. I’m sure Twilight will now be added to the Halloween movie line-up, which will be welcomed by ABC Family viewers with open arms- or should I say necks?
So, loyal Twi-hards, Team Edward or Team Jacob?