Carmelo Anthony and Kevin Garnett Reach Mutual Understanding

Carmelo Anthony and Kevin Garnett reached a mutual understanding on Monday night, after a verbal altercation during the fourth quarter of Monday’s contest that later spilled over to the Boston Celtics team bus.

”There’s certain things that you just don’t say to men, another man,” Anthony said after practice Tuesday. ”I felt like we crossed a line. But like I said, we both had an understanding right now, we handled it the way we handled it. Nobody needs to know what was said behind closed doors, so that situation was handled.”

Even if Anthony chose to disclose what was said, the words would not be fit for publication.

After the Knicks 102-96 loss, Anthony went outside the Celtics locker room screaming, most likely for Garnett. He then approached Garnett at the Celtics team bus but was separated by Madison Square Garden security, New York City police officers, team security and Knicks coach Mike Woodson, according to ESPN.

“I wanted to talk to KG,” Anthony said. “I think it was something that we both needed to get off our chests and see what really was the problem. It wasn’t no altercations, it was just some words and [a] conversation that we needed to have.”

A conversation between both players took place over the phone the same evening. Despite the two players resolving their issues, the NBA is investing the incident and will look at video evidence to determine if Anthony should face suspension. Anthony said he should not be suspended for a heat conversation.

Monday’s incident led Woodson to speak with his players about keeping their composure and looking at the bigger picture.

“The bottom line is we lost our composure last night and that can’t happen,” Woodson said. “It’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen again and that players just worry about playing.”

Garnett did not speak to reporters on Tuesday, but attempted to downplay the incident Monday night as he spoke with reporters.

“Listen, heat of the battle, man, guys throw back and forth,” Garnett said. “He’s trying to get his team to go; I’m trying to get my team to go. Both teams are colliding. Not to mention that it’s the Knicks and the Celtics. Just what it is.”

The Knicks, who started the season 18-5, have dropped five of their last six games and need Anthony to keep his cool if they want to stay at the top of the Eastern Conference. They will play the Indiana Pacers on Thursday night, as they look to get back on track.

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