Pixar Releases Three Hot Concept Art Pics

The Pixar team did not disappoint its fans this past Christmas and New Year. It instead provided a Christmas card that contained more than warm wishes and holiday cheer — it contained concept art for not one or two new films, but three.

The first picture is from Pixar’s next film due in May 2014, called The Good Dinosaur. The picture is a beautiful sunset that looks straight out of a Hawaiian or African brochure, but instead of showcasing lions or sea life, there’s a giant long necked dinosaur with a presumed child riding on it.

Along with the picture, Pixar released a tantalizingly short plot synopsis:What if the cataclysmic asteroid that forever changed life on Earth actually missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct?

The second picture released showcases the concept artwork for an untitled film involving a world inside the human brain planned to be released in 2015. Rather than limit this subject matter to neurons and nerve tissue, the concept art hints that the film will instead focus on little brain people. Whether or not their realm is the imagination or the actual inner workings of your brain has yet to be divulged.

The third picture released offers a glimpse at a 2016 Pixar film involving Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. The brains behind Toy Story 3Lee Unkrich and producer Darla Anderson — are also the one’s behind this seemingly festive treat. The picture offers the usual Pixar art that can be seen alongside the credits of nearly every Pixar film.

While no other information has been released, the picture from The Good Dinosaur is mouthwatering enough to have audiences begging for more — and soon. Hopefully, with only a May 2014 release, the marketing campaign will be in effect within the next six months.

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