Get 2013 Off to a Healthy Start

You don’t have to adopt the extreme 1980’s fad diet to enjoy the health benefits of grapefruit and watch your waistline shrink. Although this sweet and tangy fruit is mostly known by its diet reputation, it is actually loaded with health benefits (like lycopene and vitamin C) and is versatile enough to be enjoyed as a treat beyond breakfast. Considered a fat-burning food that can kick start your metabolism, there is no reason to let this fruit be deemed an eighties has-been. Currently in season, here are four reasons why grapefruit can help you lose weight.

  1. Keeps you full: Grapefruit is loaded fiber, keeping you full longer and reducing the likelihood of mindless snacking. One serving of grapefruit has only 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber. Research also found that eating half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters. While trying this at every meal may be a bit extreme, this tactic would work well for breakfast.
  2. Low-calorie substitution: There are are several ways to enjoy grapefruit beyond breakfast. Consider substituting dried fruit for slices of grapefruit in salads or using it to serve up a satisfying dinner alongside jerk grilled chicken. You can even use it to satisfy your sweet tooth as a light dessert using this sabayon gratin recipe.

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